Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sighting in 2011

Young and old get a turn.

Time for a donut and a cup of coffee before the next group.

Spotting scopes are necessary.

Again, due to the shortage of help, it was decided to hold "sighting in days" on just one weekend,
instead of two. Over fifty rifles come out to use the range October 29 and 30. The weather was
nice and everything went well. Workers got grilled hamburgers.

Repeat Club members who were out to assist were: Bill Hammond, Jim Richards, Dick Klinzing,
Bob Spoke, Bernie Stahl, J.D. Stainbrook, Lathan Houghton, Ken Schlueter, Gene Dessellier, John Nicholas, Dave Youngman, Bob Maki and Phil Markus.

Photos by Dick K.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Archery Range

This past summer, the Club rebuilt the Archery Range with a shed to enclose the new
target bales. We will also be able to cover the front during the winter time period. There was a lot of use this fall. Although signs have been posted NOT to shoot
broadheads, there has been one or two individuals who cannot read or assume that the sign
does not apply to them. Broadheads will cut the bale, whereas target arrows will not. If you would like to bring a deer stand and use with the power pole and bring a target deer, that is
what the pole is for.
This was the Clubs 2011 big expense item. Members who worked on this project were:
Bill Hammond, Dave Youngman, John Nicholas, Ken Schlueter, Jim Richards, Bill
Williams and Gene Dessellier.

Photos by Dick K.

Monday, November 28, 2011

More 2011 deer/fish

Jake and Brandon Mackai with a 2 pound 14 oz Bass and a 3 pond 1 oz Bass.

Paul Swartz and his 8 pound, 29 inch Walleye.

Scott Swanson and a nice 12 pointer.

Nathan Bjork and his very nice 15 pointer. Great rack.

Submitted photos by Blomberg and Sons

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

2011 deer/fish

Pete Berg with his nice 8 point Buck.
L. Goedderz with his nice 8 point buck.

Hayden Jokela, 6 years old, with a 30 inch 9 pound walley.

Megan Lund with her first deer, a 10 pointer.

Submitted photos by Blomberg and Sons

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 2011 Gun Show

Nov 26 - 27 Brooklyn Park Armory, 5500-85th Ave., Brooklyn Park