Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ruger LCP Recall

In case you missed it, Ruger recently received reports that certain LCP pistols can discharge when dropped onto a hard surface with a round in the chamber. Ruger would like to retrofit all older LCP pistols with an upgraded hammer mechanism and other functional upgrades added since the pistol's introduction at no charge to the consumer.
All LCP pistols bearing prefix "370" (that is, serial number 370-XXXX) may be affected. Newly manufactured and retrofitted "370" prefix LCP pistols with the new hammer mechanism installed have been marked with a diamond in the flat portion of the slot just behind and below the hammer. Going forward, new pistols will be marked with the serial number prefix "371). Pistols with the "371" prefix are not affected.
To arrange for retrofitting, visit and fill out the on-line form, e-mail, call (800) 784-3701 or fax (928) 541-8873. Your name, address, telephone number and LCP serial number will be needed.