Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fire danger

Due to the extreme dry weather due to lack of rainfall and very early snow melt, the Club has posted "no incendiary ammo use" until further notice. Also, please ensure that your cigarette buts are out.

Submitted photo - Unknown

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April business meeting

The Babbitt Conservation Club will be holding its monthly business meeting on Tuesday, the 13th April at the Babbitt City Hall begining at 7:00 pm. All members and non-members welcome.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hoppe's No. 9

Back in 1903, chemist Frank A. Hoppe combined nine chemicals and came up with what has to be the most famous, most nostalgic, most recognizable and best-smelling bore solvent ever created. Hoppe's No. 9 - the name even has a pleasant ring to it. Originally called Hoppe's Nitro Powder Solvent No. 9, the aromatic elixar removed the residue left behind by that newfangled stuff called smokeless powder, and if left in the bore long enough, would eventually dissolve copper fouling left in the bore by those equally new jacketed bullets. Over a hundred years later it still is an excellent bore solvent.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 2010 Gun Shows

April 17 - 18, East Bethel Ice Arena, East Bethel - 218/290-0274

April 24 - 25, Stillwater Armory, 107 E. Chestnut, Stillwater - 763-754-7140


April 24 - 25, Eau Claire County Exposition Center, Eau Claire - 289-5333

NOTICE: All dates are subject to change without notice. Please call first........

Moose Hunt Permits

Minnesota residents who wish to participate in the 2010 moose hunt this fall in northeastern Minnesota must apply by Friday, May 7. 213 permits will be available in 30 zones. Season dates will be Saturday, Oct 2 through Sunday, Oct 17, cost is $310.00 per party of two to four individuals. Hunters may apply at any DNR license agent or at the DNR License Center at 500 Lafayette Road in St. Paul.

Submitted photo