Saturday, October 30, 2010

Babbitt Big Buck Contests

Just Bite Me Bait Shop Youth Deer Contest
Ages 10 - 16 years
Preregistration only
Winner determined by weight only

Tanks Bar and Restaurant
Preregistration only
Prizes for biggest buck, doe

Blomberg's Big Buck Contest
Preregistration only
Winner determined by main beam of the antlers

Blomberg's Youth Big Buck Contest
Preregistration 16 and under who register for big buck contest
same rules apply

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

OHV Restrictions

The Minnesota DNR reminds off-highway vehicle (OHV) owners that restrictions on recreational riding in state forests will be in effect during part of the upcoming firearms deer hunting season beginning Nov 6.
Licensed deer hunters may still use these routes in conjunction with their hunting activity.
For much more information, call the DNR information center at 651-296-6157 or toll-free 888-646-6367, between 8 am and 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.

fish from area lakes

Fish from Babbitt area lakes.
Submitted photos by Blomberg and Sons Bait

Monday, October 25, 2010

Trumpeter Swan Shooting

Reward Offered for Information on Trumpeter Swan Shooting

Four immature trumpeter swans were shot at Brown's Lake, near Warroad, MN, during the youth waterfowl weekend and the ruffed grouse opener that was held Sept 18-19, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
The dead swans were left at the lake, which is located 4 miles southeast of Norris Camp, the headquarters of the Red Lake Wildlife Management Area.
The trumpeter swan is a threatened species and shooting one is considered a gross
Anyone with information about the swan shooting should call the Turn in Poachers (TIP) Hotline at 800-652-9093. There is a reward being offered and the person reporting the information may remain anonymous.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sighting In 2010

The Babbitt Conservation Club, as a community service, will be holding sighting in days at the
Rifle Range on Saturday & Sundays, October 23/24 and 30/31 during the hours of 10:00 am to
5:00 pm. Target, rifle rest and assistance provided at no charge. Donations will be accepted.
All shooters must check in at the Club House. ALL RANGE SAFETY RULES WILL APPLY.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 2010 Meeting

The Conservation Club will be holding its next business meeting this coming Tuesday, October 12th at 7:00 pm at the rifle range club house. Meeting will begin at 7:00 pm. Meeting is open for members and guests. Sign up for sighting in days will be on the agenda. We need workers. This will probably be the last meeting of the year. One does not have to be a member to help.

Monday, September 27, 2010

On September 19th, the Vermillion Community College used our trap range for 16 students who had signed up for a recreation class. They each got to shot four (4) rounds of trap for a total of 100 shots each. Feed back was the same this year as last year. They had a great time. You could see improvement in each round. Four Club members helped put this day of safe shooting on: Bill Hammond, Dick Klinzing, Jim Richards and Dave Youngman.

Photos by Dick

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August Gun Shows

Minnesota scheduled Gun & Knife Shows for the month of August 2010

14 - 15 Douglas County Fairgrounds, Alexandria 320/763-4609
21 - 22 Forest Lake Sports Complex, 12781 Able St. NE, Blaine 763-754-7140
28 -29 Kanabec Sportsman Fair, Rolling Oaks Ranch, Mora 218/290-0274

NOTE; All dates are subject to change without notice, please call first.......

August 2010 business meeting

The next business meeting of the Conservation Club will be this coming Tuesday, the 10th of August at the rifle range clubhouse. Meeting will begin at 7:00 pm. Trap shooting starts at 5:00 pm. The Club has a youth model 20 gauge and youth can shoot free. All members and guests are welcome.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Babbitt Conservation Club as a community service and a boating safety concern, recently purchased five hazard marker buoys that will be placed in the West End of Birch Lake. Pictured is Ron Rykken, owner of Timber Bay Resort with one of the new buoys, who will place the buoys and retrieve them in the fall. These buoys will be placed near underwater rocks and ledges.

Photo by Dick

Monday, July 12, 2010

July 2010 business meeting

The July business meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 13th at the rifle range clubhouse at 7:00 pm. All members and guests are invited to attend.
Trap shooting begins at 5:00 pm.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Shotgun Pattern Area

Above: The field along the road to the range.
Just follow the Signs.

Picture taken from the 20 yard marker.

A new addition for Club members and visitors. Bring your target sheet and find out where your gun will pattern. Please pick up your empty hulls, etc and take with you when you leave. The area is located just past the 200 yard firing line. Hang a right.

Photos by Dick

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 2010 Business Meeting

The June business meeting will be conducted on Tuesday, June 8th at the Rifle Range Clubhouse, begining at 7:00 pm. All members and non-members are welcome.

June 2010 Gun Shows

June 5 - 6: National Guard Armory - St Cloud 763/434-7269

June 5 - 6: National Guard Armory - Wadena 218/736-2133

June 19 - 20: National Guard Armory - Brainerd 218/845-2530

June 26 - 27: DECC - Duluth 218/724-8387

NOTICE: All dates are subject to change without notice. Please attempt a call first.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Trap Shooting

The trap range at the Babbitt Conservation Club is now open. We will be shooting every Tuesday beginning at 5:00 pm. We have available a youth model 20 ga for use by youngsters. It is a non-league, fun time shoot. Come out and enjoy the fun.
Photo by Dick

Friday, May 7, 2010

May 2010 Business Meeting

Photo by Dick

The May 2010 business meeting will be conducted at the rifle range clubhouse on Tuesday, May 11 at 7:00 pm. A guest speaker will present a short video on the mating habits of the Sharptailed grouse followed by a discussion and question and answer period. Members and guests are welcome to attend.

Notes from April Meeting

Photo by Dick

The monthly business meeting was conducted on the 14th of April. Following is a nut shell of what occured.

*Approved Secretaries report.

*Approved Treasurers report.

*Approved payment of bills.

*Approved use of clubhouse and range for Youth Firearms Safety course.

*Approved use of range by Ely PD for qualification training.

*Approved purchase of additional two dozen club ball caps.

*Approved use of clubhouse by South Birch Lake Cabin Owners Association for annual spring meeting.

*A larger propane tank will be delivered in April.

*Approved purchase of 5 Hazard Marker Buoys for placement on East end of Birch Lake. Buoys will be placed by Timber Bay Resort.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fire danger

Due to the extreme dry weather due to lack of rainfall and very early snow melt, the Club has posted "no incendiary ammo use" until further notice. Also, please ensure that your cigarette buts are out.

Submitted photo - Unknown

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April business meeting

The Babbitt Conservation Club will be holding its monthly business meeting on Tuesday, the 13th April at the Babbitt City Hall begining at 7:00 pm. All members and non-members welcome.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hoppe's No. 9

Back in 1903, chemist Frank A. Hoppe combined nine chemicals and came up with what has to be the most famous, most nostalgic, most recognizable and best-smelling bore solvent ever created. Hoppe's No. 9 - the name even has a pleasant ring to it. Originally called Hoppe's Nitro Powder Solvent No. 9, the aromatic elixar removed the residue left behind by that newfangled stuff called smokeless powder, and if left in the bore long enough, would eventually dissolve copper fouling left in the bore by those equally new jacketed bullets. Over a hundred years later it still is an excellent bore solvent.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 2010 Gun Shows

April 17 - 18, East Bethel Ice Arena, East Bethel - 218/290-0274

April 24 - 25, Stillwater Armory, 107 E. Chestnut, Stillwater - 763-754-7140


April 24 - 25, Eau Claire County Exposition Center, Eau Claire - 289-5333

NOTICE: All dates are subject to change without notice. Please call first........

Moose Hunt Permits

Minnesota residents who wish to participate in the 2010 moose hunt this fall in northeastern Minnesota must apply by Friday, May 7. 213 permits will be available in 30 zones. Season dates will be Saturday, Oct 2 through Sunday, Oct 17, cost is $310.00 per party of two to four individuals. Hunters may apply at any DNR license agent or at the DNR License Center at 500 Lafayette Road in St. Paul.

Submitted photo

Monday, March 29, 2010

Measuring Barrels

In U.S. practice, the length of a barrel includes the chamber, except in the case of revolvers. Some other nations measure only the rifled portion.
To measure a revolver's barrel, place a flat surface against the forcing cone and insert a cleaning rod of the proper diameter until it stops. Mark the rod at the muzzle and then measure between the end of the rod and the mark.
On any other gun, simply insert the rod with the action closed, mark the muzzle point, remove and measure.
It should be noted that for legal purposes, the actual measurement is what counts, not the nominal barrel length listed in a catalog or instruction book.
Photos by Dick

Sunday, March 21, 2010

gun club road

The 50 and 100 yard ranges have been reopended. The road has dryed enough to support vehicle traffic and you can now drive to the back berm.

But, We had to block access to the 200 yard. It is still to wet and muddy.

Photo by Dick

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Road Closing

Due to the warm weather, the Club is forced to close the road going to the rifle range to cars and trucks until further notice. The road is becoming to soft to support vehicle traffic. Walking is good tho. Mother Nature is sorry for any inconvience.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 2010 General Meeting

There will be a general meeting of the membership this Tuesday, 9 March, in City Hall at 6 PM.
The trustees have a item that must be brought before the general membership and voted on.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 2010 Gun Shows

Not much for this month.

March 6-7 Mankato National Guard Armory, 100 Martin Luther King Drive, 763-754-7140

March 13-14 Orr Regional Airport, 218/290-0274

NOTE: Shows can be cancelled without notice. Call.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 2010 Gun Shows

Feb 13-14 - Brooklyn Park Armory, 5500-85th Ave, Brooklyn Park
Feb 20-21 - St Paul Armory, 12th & Cedar, St Paul
Feb 27-28 - Anoka Armory, 408 E. Main, Anoka

NOTE; Dates can change without notice!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

shotgun tips

***Pattern your shotgun in differing weather conditions. High temperatures, humidity and wind can affect how your shotgun shoots.
***Wind can greatly affect your shotgun's point-of-impact. In high winds, it may be necessary to hold off the target to allow shot to drift into your target. Practice shooting in high winds.

***Shoting into a wind can also affect patterns, as it slows shot and can cause premature spreading of the shot column.

Photos by Dick

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Start with three persons who all claim a little bit of knowledge on the subject: for example,
John Nicholas, Dick Klinzing and Bill Hammond. Note: If you do this project in January with
the temp at 30 below zero, find a warm work area.

FIRST: Give a lot of thought to project, like do we really want to try this.

SECOND: Study the work plans.
THIRD: Measure, measure and re-measure.

FOURTH: Cut "with supervision."

FIFTH: By George, I think this could work.

If shooters are happy with this model bench, additional benches will be made this coming fall.

Photos by Dick

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 2010 local gun shows

Jan 9&10 Military Show, West St. Paul Armory, 1346 S. Robert Street, West St. Paul
Jan 16&17 Mayo Civic Center, Minnesota Weapons Collectors, Rochester, 612-721-8976
Jan 23&24 Duluth Convention Center, Duluth
Jan 30&31 Convention Center, Minnesota Weapons Collectors, Minneapolis, 612-721-8976

Shows can be cancelled without notice. Check ahead of time.

local fishing

Photos by Blomberg & Sons
Both fish were caught on the same local lake. Top Northern weight was 14 1/8 lb and was 40 inches in length. The bottom Northern went at 18 lbs and was 42 inches in length. Ice fishing can be good.