Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hunting Facts

** An average hunter spends $1,638 every year on the sport.
**Teenage girls are the fastest growing market in sport shooting.
** According to research, 72 percent more women are hunting with firearms today than just five years ago. And 50 percent more women are now target shooting.
** Americans hunt 228 million days per year.
** More than 38 million Americans hunt and fish.
** Hunters and anglers support more jobs nationwide than the number of people employed by Wal-Mart.
** Through license sales and excise taxes on equipment, hunters and anglers pay for most fish and wildlife conservation programs.
** Hunters and shooters have paid more than $5 billion in excise taxes since 1939.
** More Americans hunt and shoot than play golf.
** Firearms are involved in less than 1 percent of all accidental fatalities. More Americans are killed in accidents involving vending machines than guns.
** Hunting gear sales are growing faster than all other sporting goods categories.
** Americans annually buy 1.1 billion shotshells.
** Non-resident hunting license, tag, stamp and permit sales have risen 41.2 percent since 1993.

Sources: US Fish and Wildlife Service; 2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation; National Shooting Sports Foundation.

Photo by Dick

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Safety Refresher

You hear these every year, but accidents still happen. As a refresher, we offer the following hunter safety tips:
**Always point the muzzle of your firearm in a safe direction.
**Treat every firearm with the same respect you would show a loaded gun.
**Be sure of your target and what is in front of and behind your target.
**Unload and safely store firearms when not in use.
**Handle firearms and ammunition carefully.
**Never climb a fence or tree, or jump a ditch or log with a loaded firearm.
**Carry your firearm safely, keeping the safety on until ready to shoot.
**Never point a firearm at anything you do not want to shoot.
**Don't drink alcohol or take mood-altering drugs before or while handling firearms.
**Be aware of changing weather conditions.
Photo by Dick

Monday, October 12, 2009

Tree Stands

What goes up must come down, so the key element to safely hunting from a tree stand is coming down, how and when you choose to, not when the law of gravity makes the decision for you. The best precaution from falling is to wear a safety harness from the time you leave the ground until you return. Carefully inspect your stand before using it. Always use a haul line. Don't leave safety up in the air when hunting from a tree stand. The proper use of tree stands, fall-restraint equipment and safety measures will help prevent injury or even death from such falls. Always let others know your exact hunting location and when you plan to return.
Photos by Dick

Saturday, October 10, 2009

October BCC Business Meeting

The Club business meeting for the month of October will be held at the club house on Tuesday, October 13th beginning at 7:00 pm. The agenda is full. Sighting in days will be conducted Oct 24/25 and Oct 31/Nov 1. All members and guests are welcome.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 2009 Gun Shows

Photo by Dick

Oct 10-11 Armory 408 E. Main Street, Anoka

Oct 10-11 National Guard Armory, Fergus Falls

Oct 17-18 Armory 100 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Mankato

Oct 24-25 Backus Center, Internation Falls

Oct 30-Nov 1 Minnesota State Fairground Coliseum Building, Saint Paul

NOTE: Shows can be cancelled without notice. Always check.