Wednesday, June 17, 2009


The Minnesota Dept of Natural Resources has come out with the spring survey and said that the grouse population is on the rise. I wonder if they counted this one. Picture was taken off Route 1 and the Kawishiwi River.

Photos by Don S.

Trap Range

The Trap Range is now open for the summer. Non-League shooting is every Tuesday beginning at 5:00 pm. The shooting is fun with no pressure and is for beginners and experts alike. As a new feature this year, the Club has available a Remington 870 20 gauge youth model for young beginners. Also, school kids can shoot free. Knowledgeable adults will be happy to instruct the young shooters. So come out and enjoy the fun.

Friday, June 12, 2009

bottle rocket

This is NOT what one should use as a plinking target. Bringing something like this to a target range and getting caught could get you expelled. If this had been a full tank you would get to see what a rocket taking off would be like. Not a safe idea.
Photo by Dick

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Election of Club Officers and other information

The election of officers was held Tues night with the results as follows: President - Bill Hammond, Vice President - Ed Zupancich, Secretary - Dave Youngman, Treasurer - Jim Richards, Two year Trustee - Ken Schlueter, One Year Trustee - Tony Serena and Dick Klinzing finishing the last year of his two year position. Shooting benches to be replaced. Summer projects such as loon nesting platforms, wood duck homes, etc was discussed. More ideas needed. Trap shooting started with a BANG.

Monday, June 8, 2009

While walking in the woods just outside of town, you can find what you should not see. Someone does not want to take his disposable trash to the landfill. It's sad to say this, but this has become the norm around our small village. A number of dump sites are worse than this.
Photo by Dick K

Saturday, June 6, 2009

safety item

Just think about what happened. This individual rested the muzzel of his shotgun on his toe like a lot of us do. But somehow, he pulled the trigger. It was loaded with a 12 guage slug. Remember: A SAFETY IS A MECHANICAL DEVICE THAT CAN FAIL.

Minor Damage

Recently, a party or parties unknown decided to use the field by the trap house as a driving track and tore up sod in a few places. The damage was light and quickly repaired by replacing the sod. and packing it down. In another case, again a party or parties unknown took a 12 guage to the 25 foot target stand and after six or so rounds, the target stand no longer exits. In both case, repairs were made by Jim R. THANKS JIM.
Photo by Dick

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 2009 Business Meeting

The next business meeting will be held at the rifle range on Tuesday, June 9th at 7:00 pm. We will be voting for the 2009/2010 club officers. There are also other items that President Bill has on his agenda. GUESTS ARE WELCOME..